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Fall Maintenance Tip from Raymus Homes

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Fall Gardening in Californias Second Spring

By Raymus Homes - 10-1-2019

Fall Gardening in California's "Second Spring"

Gardening in the fall in California is like gardening in a "second spring", and it does have its advantages. Raymus Homes has seen many advantageous to building new homes in Manteca, CA and year round gardening is just one of them. When crops are planted at your new home in the fall, crops last longer and vegetables have a better taste than spring vegetables. The cooler temperatures of fall give vegetables a mild and sweet flavor that is sometimes missing from crops planted in the hot summer. If you are wondering how to have a bumper crop of vegetables this fall, take these ideas into consideration when you are planning your fall garden.

The very thing you will need to do when planning a fall garden in California is to decide which vegetables to grow. Look at the area where you want to have a garden to figure out how much space you have, and think about what you and your family enjoy eating. However, there are plants that are considered summer crops, such as cucumbers, summer squash, bell peppers, and beans that can thrive in the fall until the first frost hits. You only have to worry about his if you happen to live the relatively few places that get frost in California.

After your summer garden is over, you will need to know what the optimal month to plant fall crops is. Check your growing zone and the likelihood of the temperature droppgin to help your garden survive. If you are looking for this information, check online or in gardening magazines to get accurate information. You also need to research how long the plants take to mature so you have enough time for them to grow before it gets too cold for that specific crop. For example, if you plant something that takes 6-8 weeks to reach harvesting stage, make sure you plant early enough so you have that time before the temperature dips too low.

After you have determined what you are going to plant and when you will plant the seeds, prepare your garden. Start by removing any extra vegetation to give your garden the best chance at thriving. If you leave the plants and weeds in the garden, you may get bacteria will slow the growth of the fall crops. Fertilizing the garden is option depending if your spring crops were fertilized. Next, until your soil, spray it with water, and leave it for about a day to rest. Now, you are finally ready to plant your fall garden.

You can still have the enjoyment of planning a fall garden in your new home even after your summer harvest is over. Many vegetables can withstand bitter cold while growing tasty vegetables. Fall gardening in California is a wonderful way to extend the life of your garden for a few more months. That is why Raymus Homes has choosen to build in the beautiful state of California. Year round garndening is just one of the many perks! Call us today if you're looking at buying a home here in California.
