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Fall Maintenance Tip from Raymus Homes

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Conserve Water by Xeriscaping

By Raymus Homes - 4-23-2020

Whether you live in a climate that deals with droughts like we do in California or not, conserving water is always an admirable goal. Believe it or not, you do not have to sacrifice having a beautifully landscaped yard in order to achieve that goal. The key is switching over to a xeriscape style for your yard. What is xeriscaping and how can you do it? Let Raymus Homes shed a little light on the subject.

What is Xeriscaping?

Coined by Denver Water in the 1980’s, xeriscaping was originally invented with arid climates in mind. However, the term today really encompasses the idea of making landscaping choices that fit your climate. For example, many people think of stunning cacti mingled with thoughtfully placed rocks when they hear the term. But it could also mean utilizing moisture loving ferns in the Pacific Northwest. Wherever you live, it is all about choosing the appropriate plants for your natural environment.

How to do it

The basic process of xeriscaping a property essentially involves creating an environment with as little dependence on water as possible. This is most often achieved by using hardy plants that can flourish with little moisture and omitting moisture-guzzling grass lawns entirely. Instead of grass, most xeriscape properties fill out the space with gravel. Keep in mind that different areas of your yard will receive differing amounts of water and sunlight. So be sure to keep that information in mind when you are designing your xeriscaping.

Next, consider your soil. Proper soil for the plants you plan on using is essential. The correct soil will retain moisture better. Supplementing with rich organic matter, such as compost, can prove beneficial for some flora, while others may not need it. To really get your soil needs right, you may want to consult with a landscape professional. You can add a layer of mulch on top which will aid additionally in retaining moisture for your plants.

Of course, the goal with xeriscaping is to cut down on water expenditure as much as possible. Ideally, your plants will receive all their water requirements from their natural environment. However, it is realistic to expect the need to supplement the plant’s water needs yourself from time to time. Just know the water requirements of your plants along with what your local weather has been up to.

Some people enjoy the art of doing their own landscaping, while others prefer to enlist the help of professionals. Whatever you decide to do, we hope this has got you inspired! You can see some examples of xeriscaping by visiting our gallery!
