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Fall Maintenance Tip from Raymus Homes

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Teacher Appreciation Gift

By Jamie Fields - 5-10-2016

The end of the school year is fast approaching! If you are looking to get your kid’s teachers an appreciation gift, I have an idea of how to step up the game this year! Instead of a Starbucks gift card, which I’m sure they would love anyway, try making a more personal and memorable gift that is just for them!

I am talking about personalized coffee mugs! These inexpensive, crafty gifts will be sure to remind your kid’s favorite teachers how much of an impact they have had on their live


What you’ll need:

  • Plain Mugs (Can be found at the Dollar Store)
  • Oil Based Sharpie Paint Pens
  • Scrapbook Stickers (optional)
  • Oven

You can do this project a couple of different ways. You can let your kids be creative and free-hand a design or you can use scrapbook stickers to spell something out (a name, initials, or quotes).


  • If you plan on using stickers as a template, lay them on the mug in your desired location.
  • Choose your paint pen colors and make dots all around the letters. Really fill in the area. If you make a mistake, you can quickly wipe it away with rubbing alcohol on a q-tip.
  • Once you are satisfied with your design, let it dry. Then, carefully peel off the scrapbook sticker. Make any touchups that are needed.
  • After removing all stickers, set your oven to 350, place the mugs inside and let them bake for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, turn your oven off and allow the mugs to cool inside of the oven.

More details can be found at the sites below.

An extra bonus!
